with + 名詞句
Come with us. tatoeba.org (433696)
私達と一緒に来なさい。tatoeba.org (433696)
We had to cooperate with each other. tatoeba.org (248658)
私たちは互いに協力せざるを得なかった。tatoeba.org (248658)
With the coming of spring, everything is gradually coming to life again. tatoeba.org (266941)
春の到来とともに、すべてがまた徐々に活気付き始めた。tatoeba.org (266941)
with + 名詞句
Everybody agrees with you. tatoeba.org (32111)
みんな君に賛成だ。tatoeba.org (32111)
with + 名詞句
Don't mix business with pleasure. tatoeba.org (245322)
仕事と遊びをごっちゃにするな。tatoeba.org (245322)
Jeans go with everything. tatoeba.org (53889)
ジーンズはどんな物にも合う。tatoeba.org (53889)
with + 名詞句
I saw a girl with long hair. tatoeba.org (278062)
長い髪をした女の子に会いました。tatoeba.org (278062)
I rented a house with a garage. tatoeba.org (258413)
私は車庫付きの家を借りた。tatoeba.org (258413)
I don't carry much cash with me. tatoeba.org (253271)
私はお金をあまり持ち歩かない。tatoeba.org (253271)
with + 名詞句
She has been with a publishing company for two years. tatoeba.org (314959)
彼女は出版社に2年勤めている。 tatoeba.org (88747)
with + 名詞句
May I leave this with you? tatoeba.org (54921)
これを預かってもらえますか。tatoeba.org (54921)
with + 名詞句
I parted with my old car. tatoeba.org (28695)
愛車を手放した。tatoeba.org (28695)
with + 名詞句
He drove in a nail with his hammer. tatoeba.org (292465)
彼はハンマーでくぎを打ち込んだ。tatoeba.org (292465)
We season with salt. tatoeba.org (25756)
塩で味を付ける。tatoeba.org (25756)
You can make a cake with flour and milk and an egg. tatoeba.org (267671)
小麦粉とミルクと卵でケーキは作れる。tatoeba.org (267671)
with + 名詞句 + 形容詞・副詞・前置詞句・分詞など
Listen to me with your textbooks closed. tatoeba.org (19101)
教科書を閉じて私の言うことを聞きなさい。tatoeba.org (19101)
He stood there with his hat on. tatoeba.org (303672)
彼は帽子をかぶったままでそこに立っていた。tatoeba.org (303672)
She stood still with her hair flying in the wind. tatoeba.org (316188)
彼女は髪を風になびかせて、たたずんでいた。tatoeba.org (316188)
What is the total price with all taxes included? tatoeba.org (273718)
全ての税を入れると合計でいくらになりますか。tatoeba.org (273718)
with + 名詞句
Lola danced with grace. tatoeba.org (29393)
ローラは優雅におどった。tatoeba.org (29393)
He chose every word with care. tatoeba.org (296114)
彼は言葉を一つ一つ注意深く選んだ。tatoeba.org (296114)
with + 名詞句
She was absent from school with a cold. tatoeba.org (316850)
彼女は風邪で学校を休んだ。 tatoeba.org (86860)
He turned pale with fear. tatoeba.org (295322)
彼は恐怖で青ざめた。 tatoeba.org (108364)
with + 名詞句
Did you say you had a fight with Joan? tatoeba.org (1349863)
あなた、ジョーンと喧嘩したんですって?tatoeba.org (1349863)
Compare your translation with his. tatoeba.org (70351)
あなたの訳を彼の訳と比べてみなさい。tatoeba.org (70351)
with + 名詞句
Something is wrong with the brakes. tatoeba.org (34106)
ブレーキの調子が悪い。tatoeba.org (34106)
It's all right with me. tatoeba.org (259345)
私は大丈夫です。tatoeba.org (259345)
with + 名詞句
I am not happy with my job. tatoeba.org (257464)
私は今の自分の仕事に不満である。tatoeba.org (257464)
with + 名詞句
With all her faults, I like her. tatoeba.org (309213)
彼女の欠点にも関わらず、私は彼女が好きです。tatoeba.org (309213)