英ナビ!辞書 「E」から始まる単語の索引
- emphasis
- emphasise
- emphasised
- emphasize
- emphasized
- emphasizing
- emphatic
- emphatically
- emphysema
- emphysematous
- emphysematous gangrene
- emphysematous phlegmon
- empire
- Empire day
- Empire State
- Empire State Building
- Empire State of the South
- empiric
- empirical
- empirical formula
- empirical research
- empirically
- empiricism
- empiricist
- empiricist philosophy
- Empirin
- emplace
- emplacement
- emplane
- employ
- employable
- employed
- employee
- employee ownership
- employee savings plan
- employee stock ownership plan
- employee turnover
- employee-owned business
- employee-owned enterprise
- employer
- employment
- employment agency
- employment agent
- employment agreement
- employment contract
- employment interview
- employment office
- emporium
- empower
- empowered