大問1 短文の語句空所補充問題
「大問1 短文の語句空所補充問題」について学習します。
大問1は、英文を読んで内容を理解し、文中の( )に適する語を4つの選択肢の中から選ぶ形式です。設問には会話文と短文の形式があり、単語の知識、熟語の知識、文法の知識を問う問題などが出題されます。
Questions ~問題~
次の(1)から(5)までの( )に入れるのに最も適切なものを1, 2, 3, 4 の中から一つ選びなさい。
[※ 2015年度 第1回問題より]
Alice decided to learn about her family history, and she found out that some of her ( ) were from Germany. Her great-grandfather moved to the United States 150 years ago.
- writers
- supporters
- carpenters
- ancestors
Rachel ( ) her pet dog very well. She gives him good food, and every evening, she takes him for a long walk in the park.
- extends
- operates
- treats
- seeks
A: How do you and Richard like your new apartment, Penny?
B: It's ( ) for us. It's just the right size, and it's close to both of our offices.
- personal
- ideal
- spare
- thick
A: I don't know which dress to wear to the party tonight.
B: Please ( ) up your mind quickly, Lucy. We have to leave in a few minutes.
- find
- show
- push
- make
Tom and his friends spent a lot of time in the park when they were children. Sometimes they ( ) play there all day.
- must
- would
- can
- were
そのためには、「音読」がおすすめです。まず、選択肢を見なくても( )の部分を補いながら問題文をすらすら読めるようになるまで音読練習をしましょう。次に日本語を見て英語を言えるようにしていくと、語句や表現がしっかり身につきます。