英検対策講座【2級】大問3: 長文の語句空所補充問題

伊藤 ひさみ (いとう・ひさみ)





大問3 長文の語句空所補充問題


大問3 長文の語句空所補充問題」について学習します。



大問3は、空所が4つある300語~350語の長文が2題出題されます。選択肢は4つで各1点(リスニングも含めた試験問題全体の約11%)。 この問題の良いところは、順を追って内容を把握できれば、連続して正解できることです。なお、正しい品詞を入れるといった文法知識が問われることはありません。

※2016年度 第1回検定より、空所にあてはまるものを複数の語句からなる選択肢から選ぶ形式に変更となります。



Questions ~問題~


次の英文を読み、その文意にそって(1)から(4)までの(   )に入れるのに最も適切なものを1, 2, 3, 4の中から一つ選びなさい。

[英検 2015年度 第2回検定問題より]



City Farming


 Urban farming is becoming increasingly popular across the United States. Urban farmers grow plants and raise animals for food just like farmers in the countryside. ( 1 ), there are some differences. For instance, they do this on empty pieces of land in towns and cities. Urban farms can be of any size—from large ones created on the sites of former factories to small ones in people's backyards. It is estimated that around 20 percent of urban households produce some of their food by farming.


 One reason for this trend is that people are concerned about how farming in the countryside has changed. They believe that modern farming methods, which use many chemicals, are damaging nature. They also think that it is wrong to use fossil fuels to carry food to cities because doing so is one of the causes of global warming. Many people also think that the food produced using modern farming methods is ( 2 ). They want to grow vegetables and raise animals themselves, because they can be sure that the food they eat does not contain any chemicals that may harm their bodies.


 People also choose urban farming for ( 3 ) reasons. Many families can grow food in their own yards. Thus, they do not have to buy fruits and vegetables at the store. Moreover, people without their own yards can rent small pieces of land in towns and cities very cheaply. Although urban farming has many benefits, some people are concerned that keeping animals in crowded cities may lead to people catching diseases from them. Supporters of urban farming, though, say that diseases among animals are ( 4 ) on farms in the countryside. This is because in the countryside thousands of animals are kept together in small spaces, so it is easy for diseases to pass from one animal to another. Considering these advantages, many families are turning towards urban farming.





  1. Traditionally
  2. Furthermore
  3. Unfortunately
  4. Nevertheless





  1. dangerous
  2. attractive
  3. unenjoyable
  4. steady





  1. moral
  2. economic
  3. historic
  4. official





  1. more comfortable
  2. more common
  3. dirtier
  4. safer













  • 1
  • 2


伊藤 ひさみ (いとう・ひさみ)





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