英検対策講座【2級】大問2: 長文の語句空所補充問題

霜田 敦子(しもだ・あつこ)





大問2 長文の語句空所補充問題


大問2 長文の語句空所補充問題」について学習します。






Questions ~問題~


次の英文を読み、その文意にそって(1)から(3)までの(   )に入れるのに最も適切なものを1, 2, 3, 4の中から一つ選びなさい。

[英検 2020年度 第2回検定問題より]



A Fresh Idea


 The Northwest Territories of Canada are known for their long, cold winters and short summers. In such conditions, growing fruits and vegetables is very difficult. The native Inuit people in those areas traditionally survived by fishing, hunting seals, and gathering small plants to eat. Nowadays, global warming has greatly limited their traditional food supply. Most Inuit communities now ( 1 ) instead. However, these communities are far from farms and can only be accessed by airplane. This results in high shipping costs, which makes the food in stores very expensive.

 Due to these challenges, many Inuit ( 2 ) that they need for a healthy diet. Many grocery stores offer mostly foods that do not go bad easily, which means people do not have access to a wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables. One solution is to build greenhouses, which are made of glass or plastic, to provide a warm indoor area where plants can grow. The town of Inuvik is one of the few communities in this region to have a greenhouse.

 Since it was created about 20 years ago, the greenhouse has helped the Inuvik natives to deal with their shortage of fresh food. Nevertheless, there have been difficulties with starting new greenhouses in other Inuit communities. ( 3 ), the attitude of the local people towards these greenhouses is not always good. Because gardening has never been a part of Inuit culture, some communities have no interest in greenhouses. Because of this, more needs to be done to help educate Inuit towns about the benefits of greenhouses.





  1. receive support from the government
  2. rely on modern grocery stores
  3. make donations to their families
  4. recognize the difficulty of farming





  1. understand the nutrition
  2. increase the number of crops
  3. do not get the variety of food
  4. cannot cook the fish





  1. For one thing
  2. In contrast
  3. Similarly
  4. Meanwhile





対策として、まずヒントとなる接続表現(文と文、段落と段落をつなぎ、前後関係を示す言葉)を覚えましょう。順序(First of all)、対比 (on the other hand)、具体化 (for example)、理由 (because)、結果 (as a result)、列挙 (in addition)、順接 (therefore)、逆接 (however)、言い換え (in other words) など、英文の流れを明確にするヒントとなる表現を覚えておくと、効率的にしかも正確に解くことができます。






  • 1
  • 2



霜田 敦子(しもだ・あつこ)





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