英検対策講座【3級】大問3: 長文の内容一致選択問題

本多 敏幸(ほんだ・としゆき)





大問3 長文の内容一致選択問題


大問3 長文の内容一致選択問題」について学習します。






Questions ~問題~


次のEメール文の内容に関して、(1)から(3)までの質問に対する答えとして最も適切なものを1, 2, 3, 4の中から一つ選びなさい。

[英検 2021年度 第2回検定問題より]



From: Grace Morgan
To: Silvertown Public Library
Date: July 20
Subject: Books

My name is Grace Morgan, and I graduated from Silvertown High School last month. This fall, I'll move to Chicago for university. I have a lot of books because I love to read, but I can't take all the books with me. My friend said that maybe the Silvertown Public Library would want them. Please write back if you're interested.
Grace Morgan


From: Silvertown Public Library
To: Grace Morgan
Date: July 21
Subject: Thank you

Dear Grace,
Thank you for your e-mail. Yes, we're interested in your books. Please put your books in a box and leave the box by the large door at the back of the library. You can bring them any morning. Every afternoon, I bring the boxes of books into the library, and every Wednesday and Friday, I look at the books and choose some for our library. Sometimes, people give us books that we don't need. I try to send those books to other libraries or to schools. If the books are old and damaged,* we sometimes sell them to the Silvertown Paper Company. After we sell them, we use the money to buy things for the library such as magazines and newspapers.
Best regards,
George Livingston


From: Grace Morgan
To: Silvertown Public Library
Date: July 22
Subject: Monday morning

Dear Mr. Livingston,
Thank you for writing back. I have decided to take the books to a bookstore near my house. I'll try to sell them there this weekend. If I can't sell some of them, I'll put them in a box and bring them to the library on Monday morning.

*damaged: 破損した





What will Grace Morgan start doing this fall?


  1. Working at a library.
  2. Writing a book.
  3. Teaching at a high school.
  4. Studying at university.





What does George Livingston do every Wednesday and Friday?


  1. He looks at the books in the boxes.
  2. He goes to the Silvertown Paper Company.
  3. He reads a book to the children at a school.
  4. He takes a box of books to a different library.





Where will Grace go this weekend?


  1. To a library.
  2. To a bookstore.
  3. To her university.
  4. To her friend's house.









「時」を表す語句の例: three years ago / these days / for three years

「場所」を表す語句の例: around a big lake / on the train / at school




  • 1
  • 2



本多 敏幸(ほんだ・としゆき)


著書に、本多式中学英語マスターシリーズとして『反復基礎』『短文英単語』『速読長文』(以上文藝春秋)、『中学校外国語新3観点の学習評価完全ガイドブック』、『入試英語力を鍛える!授業アイデア&パワーアップワーク40』(以上明治図書)、『若手英語教師のためのよい授業をつくる30章』(教育出版)、『NHK CD BOOK 中学生になるまでに身につけたい! 小学英語 パーフェクト・レッスン』(NHK出版)など多数。



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