Ⅰ. 短文の語句空所補充問題
To complete each item, choose the best word or phrase from among the four choices.
■ 1. 因果関係① 原因(理由)→結果(結論)
The drivers of the two cars disagreed about how the accident occurred, so the police officer questioned some ( ) at the scene to find out what really happened.
1 pioneers
2 innovators
3 bystanders
4 successors
(英検2018年度 第2回検定 準1級 大問1 (4)より)
The drivers of the two cars disagreed ... how ...
両者の言い分に食い違い 【原因】
↓ so だから(結果を導く表現)
the police officer questioned some bystanders ...
警官は「傍観者=目撃者」に質問した 【結果】
この問題は上記のように、対比関係にあるthe driversとthe police officer、加えて、the driversの状況とthe policemanの行動、それから、結果を導くsoに着目しましょう。そうすれば、so前後の「原因→結果」の関係に気が付き、これにあったbystandersが選択できます。
■ 2. 因果関係② 結果(結論)→原因(理由)
Raw vegetables are more difficult to ( ) than cooked ones. It is much easier for the body to process cooked foods.
1 digest
2 inspire
3 thrust
4 smash
(英検2018年度 第2回検定 準1級 大問1 (7)より)
raw vegetables = more difficult to digest
生野菜 = 消化しにくい 【結論】
cooked ones = much easier for the body to process
調理食品 = 体が処理しやすい 【理由】
この問題は上記の通り、1つめの文が結論、2つめの文がその理由を表す「因果関係」だとすぐに見て取れます。加えて、digest「消化する」という抽象的な(短い)言葉を、後ろでfor the body to process「体が処理する」とより具体的な(長い)表現で言い換えています。
■ 3. 抽象と具体の関係① 抽象(短)→具体(長)
Lena was ( ) thinner when she returned from her year abroad. In fact, many of her friends said they did not recognize her at first.
1 briefly
2 doubtfully
3 cautiously
4 notably
(英検2018年度 第2回検定 準1級 大問1 (8)より)
Lena = notably thinner 顕著に変化(thinner) 【抽象】…短い
In fact, 実際に、
they(=her friends) did not recognize her 【具体】…長い
The official was jailed for ( ). He had accepted money from manufacturing companies in exchange for covering up their illegal dumping of chemical waste.
1 misery
2 bribery
3 artistry
4 irony
(英検2018年度 第2回検定 準1級 大問1 (9)より)
これは単語さえ分かればすぐに分かると思いますが、やはり、bribery「賄賂、収賄」をうしろのaccepted money from ... companies in exchange for ...「…の見返りに会社から金を受け取る」と具体的な説明がなされている点に着目すれば、「作問の方法」を把握しながら、正解のbriberyをすぐに選択することができますね。
■ 4. 抽象と具体の関係② 具体(長)→抽象(短)
Roy hated the idea of selling his guitar. However, he needed the money, so he eventually overcame his ( ) and put an advertisement in the newspaper.
1 projection
2 petition
3 reluctance
4 abundance
(英検2018年度 第2回検定 準1級 大問1 (10)より)
Roy hated the idea of selling his guitar.
自分のギターを売りたくない 【具体】
However, he needed money しかし、お金が必要
so he eventually だから結局
overcame his reluctance 自分の不本意を乗り越えた【抽象】
Ⅱ. 長文の語句空所補充問題
Read each passage and choose the best word or phrase from among the four choices for each blank.
Airplanes and Germs
The threat of germ exposure is a common concern among airline passengers. Recent research by microbiologist Kiril Vaglenov of Auburn University suggests that ( 26 ). In the study, two disease-causing bacteria―a type of E. Coli and a type of Staphylococcus aureus known as MRSA―were put onto various surfaces found in airplanes, including an armrest and a seat-back pocket. Vaglenov then measured how long the bacteria would survive under environmental conditions typically found on airplanes. Both survived for extended periods: MRSA for up to one week, and E. Coli for up to four days. The results suggest that, given the growth of air travel, infectious diseases could spread more widely. ( 27 ), Vaglenov argues, airlines should look for more effective cleaning strategies and materials.
In a separate study, Ashok Srinivasan, a computer science professor at Florida State University, investigated the spread of germs among airline passengers during boarding. The present boarding system usually involves grouping passengers into three or more zones based on seat location. This greatly increases the amount of time passengers spend in extremely close contact while waiting to board and get into their seats, increasing the likelihood of germs spreading. Through computer modeling, Srinivasan found it would be preferable to operate a two-zone system, with the plane divided in half lengthwise. Passengers in each zone would be allowed to board at random. Srinivasan says this would result in people being "less likely to spend extended periods of time close to each other." That would mean that, although the proposed system would be more time-consuming overall, ( 28 ).
1 germs die quickly on most surfaces
2 passengers are right to be worried
3 airplane environments weaken certain germs
4 passengers are largely to blame
1 Despite this
2 Alternatively
3 Otherwise
4 Consequently
1 it would create a safer environment
2 arguments between passengers would decrease
3 it would allow more time for cleaning
4 passengers would be grouped into more zones
(英検2018年度 第2回検定 準1級 大問2より)
NOTE: exposure「晒されること」、E. Coli 「大腸菌」、Staphylococcus aureus「黄色ぶどう球菌」、likelihood「可能性」、half lengthwise「縦半分に」
本文はタイトルからも分かるように、「航空機と細菌」という、あまり好ましくない問題をテーマとして扱っています。第一段落第一文で The threat of germ exposure is a common concern among airline passengers. 「細菌に晒されるという脅威が航空機の乗客の間で共通の心配となっている」と、早速この文章のテーマを提示していますね。
それでは、空所(26)を見ていきましょう。2行目の “Recent research” のように(recent study, research conducted by ...など)「研究結果の報告」では、かなり具体的な内容に踏み込む展開となります。この文章では、空所(26)の直後の3行目、 In the study, ...から、研究の具体的な結果が説明されています。
The threat of germ exposure
= a common concern among airline passengers
Recent research suggests that ( 26 )
= *ネガティブな内容(抽象的)
In the study,
disease-causing bacteria
= onto various surfaces found in airplanes, including ...
(E. Coli, Staphylococcus aureus/MRSA)
【選択肢1】 germ die quickly… →ポジティブな内容なので×
【選択肢3】 …weaken …germs →ポジティブな内容なので×
【選択肢4】 passengers are largely to blame
→this studyで乗客の責任には言及がないので×
【選択肢2】 passengers are right to be worried
→this study が示すネガティブな情報とマッチし、こうした状況では心配(worried / concern)が増すのは当然なので◯
空所(26)でネガティブな内容を抽象的に表現し、これをIn this study以下で具体的に説明するという「抽象→具体」の関係。
infectious diseases
→could spread more widely. 感染症の拡大 【原因】
Consequently, 「結果として」
→should look for more effective cleaning strategies and materials.
より効果的な除菌 【結果】
ここではまず、接続詞のalthough「~だけれども」に着目します。この接続詞は本来の主張とは反対の要素を提示し、後ろに「主張」を提示する逆接の接続詞です。although やbut, however, などの逆接のキイワードに着目し、その前後が「譲歩→主張」関係であることを知っていれば前後の文脈が格段に分かりやすくなりますね。
Although the proposed system 提案されたシステム
would be more time-consuming overall,
時間がかかる(ネガティブ) 【譲歩】
it would create a safer environment.
(= the proposed system)
より安全な環境を創出(ポジティブ) 【主張】
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